Advanced & Standard NDT Services
Quality control and assurance and process safety in the life cycle aspects of asset such as design, fabrication , manufacturing , operation and also in the construction phase of oil ,gas ,refinery ,chemical, petrochemical ,power plants and offshore facilities always is always vital. Utilizing of integrated NDT services means help organizations to get the best out of their processes and correct any deviations from their desired standards before they lead to non-compliance.
What is advanced and standard NDT techniques?
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is the application of measurement methods and techniques in order to identify damage and irregularities in materials. NDT often provides the only method of obtaining information about the current ‘health’ of process plant. NDT is a measurement of a physical property or effect from which the presence of damage or irregularity can be inferred. The distinction between what would be considered changes in material properties and what would be considered a defect is not distinct. NDT is rarely 100% effective at detecting defects of concern. NDT techniques fall into two categories:
- Techniques which can detect and size defects/damage embodied within a component (Advanced)
- Magnetic flux leakage (MFL)
- Eddy Current Test(ECT) &Remote Filed Test (Test)
- Automated Ultrasonic Test (AUT) for Corrosion Mapping
- Guided Wave Test
- TOFD & Phased Array for Crack Sizing
- Metal Magnet Memory (MMM) for Residual Stress Assessment
- Techniques which only detect and size defects/damage present on the surface of a component; (Standard)
- Vacuum Box
- Feritscopy Test
- Hardness Testing
- Acoustic Emission
- Magnetoscopy Test
- Radiographic Test (X-Ray)
- Pulse Eddy Current Testing
- Infrared and Thermography
- Remote Visual Inspection, Endoscopy ,Videoscopy
Why Choose AIMS?
We offer the most NDT methods for highly effective inspection to reduce risk ranking and insurance of integrity of equipment and assets of clients. We provide a comprehensive range of NDT methods and techniques by our expertise, experience and resources in accordance with international standards.